WholeSale Sunglasses, Ray Ban, Prada

Sunglasses or sun glasses are a form of protective eyewear that usually enclose or protect the eye pupil in order to prevent strong light, ultraviolet (UV) rays, and increasingly, blue light ("blue blocking") from penetrating. They can sometimes also function as a visual aid, as variously termed spectacles or glasses exist which feature lenses that are colored, polarized or darkened. In the early 20th century they were also known as sun cheaters (cheaters being an American slang term for glasses).

Many people find direct sunlight too bright for comfort. During outdoor activities, the human eye can receive more light than usual. Healthcare professionals recommend eye protection whenever outside to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation and blue light, which can cause several serious eye problems. Sunglasses have long been associated with celebrities and film actors primarily from a desire to hide or mask their identity. Since the 1940s sunglasses have been popular as a fashion accessory, especially on the beach.

PRADA sunglass

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well-known brand sunglasses price very expensive.
But the price can not guarantee the quality.

high prices cannot guarantee sufficient protection as no correlation between high prices and increased UV protection has been demonstrated. A 1995 study reported that "Expensive brands and polarizing sunglasses do not guarantee optimal UVA protection."[12] The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has also reported that "[c]onsumers cannot rely on price as an indicator of quality".[13] One survey even found that a $6.95 pair of generic glasses offered slightly better protection than did expensive Salvatore Ferragamo shades.

So we consider sunglasses as a fashion accessory. Don't pay too much in sunglasses!

wholesale sunglasses is a direct importer of replica sunglasses. Because we buy directly from the manufacturers, we can sell our sunglasses at the lowest prices compared to our competitors. We will not be undersold. We sell only by the dozen. Our selection is huge and growing constantly. Our customer base is worldwide. Customer service is number one with The quality of our sunglasses are the best available. You will be very happy with your purchase. Wholesalesunglasses offices are based in St Petersburg, Florida and our warehouse ships our products from Missouri direct to our customers. This allows delivery to anywhere in the US in 3 to 4 days via Fed Ex ground. For faster shipping please contact customer service. We offer free shipping on orders over $ 200.00. We offer volume discounts for orders over $ 500.00 and include free shipping.  

The merchandise you will find here is of the highest quality you will find among replica sunglasses manufacturers and importers and guaranteed to be the trendiest and most fashionable styles available to the public. Here at, we are confident that you will find everything you need to make your sunglass business a successful one. 

Whether you are a new customer, or an existing client, we welcome your business, and promise to do everything possible to make you, as our customer feel appreciated. Every inquiry is handled in a timely manner, and you will always receive a prompt reply to any question or concern you may have. Our goal is to ensure our customers know they are not only receiving the best products at the lowest prices, but also that their new & return business is appreciated.

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You want Louis Vuitton Handbags or Marc Jacobs?

You want Louis Vuitton Handbags or Marc Jacobs?

This holiday season, I give you gift ideas to share this idea with my blog friends. 
A few days ago, I found the good site that deal the replica Handbags.

As you know Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Gucci, Hermes, Prads, Jimmy Choo, Coach and Dolce & Gabbana, their price is too expensive so I can not buy them often.
Time goes, they are behind in fashion.

To solve this problem!, I have 2 Solutions

My first solution is to get salary more. Hi Hi.
But It take long...... not too long.

My Second Solution, Replica Commodity

Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Griet

Monogram Canvas Griet (m95501)

I recommend With good designs, affordable price, safe system. 

Following Picture come from

Monogram Canvas Griet (m95501)

Our new Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Griet design is a replica hadbag named after the character played by Scarlett Johansson in the Girl With The Pearl earring. This bag has all the details you look for in a classic LV design with a modern femanine shape and design. A perfect shopping shoulder bag.

You can save money due to up to 40% discounts sale.

What Guarantee~

At ExactBags our priority is that you, the customer, are satisfied with our service and products.  We offer wholesale and retail replica purses and other replica designer goods and our business depends upon the satisfaction of our clients.  We aim to ensure that you are confident in our products and trust in our service so that you will return again and again to us. 
At ExactBags, we know that building strong, lasting relationships is the foundation of any good business.  In order to gain and maintain a relationship with you, the customer, we embark upon the following endeavors.
We make sure that all of our replica designer products are made in an efficient and cost effective way.
We make sure that all of our replica goods are made with excellent craftsmanship, and inspect our products to ensure that quality levels remain high.
We make sure to use only the highest quality materials.
We ensure safe, fast delivery.
Replica Purses, Real Guarantee
We are fully confident that our Gucci handbags meet the same high quality as the originals. We offer a guarantee that you will be 100% satisfied with our replica designer goods.  If you are unhappy with your order in any way, you can return your replica purses to us via courier for refund or exchange.  Just return your order within 7 days of receipt and you will receive full refund or exchange.  And, make sure to give us a tracking number so we can issue a reshipment or refund.
NOTE:  The cost of return shipping is the customer's responsibility.  We pay for shipping but cannot afford to pay for it two ways.  Thank you for your understanding.
Shipping Guarantee
At ExactBags, we guarantee fast and easy shipping.  If there is a problem with the shipment or your Gucci handbags, we will reship at our own expense.  Our replica purses will get through customs to you, guaranteed! 
Shipping takes about 7-10 days once we have processed your order.  It is done via courier, which means your package will arrive right at your own front door!

NOTE:  We are not responsible for import taxes on orders.

At ExactBags, we truly believe that the customer comes first.  As such, we offer you excellence both in products and in service.  We hope to catch you out in the street looking great in our replica purses.

If you in Earth, Shipping Cost $16 USD
At ExactBags we guarantee the shipment of your replica handbags.  If there is a problem during shipment - we will re ship at our own expense.
We know that the most important part of an online shopping experience can be knowing that you'll receive the goods you've ordered in a timely and cost efficient manner.  This is why we have a shipment guarantee. 
Shipping (Including insurance) to any location in the world costs $16 USD Per an order

Shipping Procedure
We will send your products directly to your door.  There are no middlemen with ExactBags. We ship straight from our warehouses to you. 
Once you have placed your order you will receive email confirmation with an order confirmation number and a shipment tracking number.  This tracking number allows you to follow the progress of your order as it makes its way to you.  It will take approximately 5-7 days for delivery.
Note:  Make sure that you provide the correct shipping address and contact number with your order.  If you do not provide the correct information and the order is shipped to the wrong address you are responsible for the costs.  We are not responsible for taxes or tariffs incurred during the shipping of your order (we ship the orders with a low value invoice so you should not pay any taxes)
Note:  We are currently unable to ship to Mexic
You can easily track the progress of your order by using the links below.  Your tracking number will contain a preceding letter or letters.  If that number is M or V, then your product has been shipped with ups and can be tracked at  If the preceding letters are EA then your order has been shipped via EMS and you should consult your local national postal service website, many of which hare listed below.

This site( deal with world best handbags such as Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Gucci, Hermes, Prada, Jimmy Choo, Coach and Dolce & Gabbana.
So You can see new items every 2 weeks.

IF You want to meet latest collections from LV, Click Here!!
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명품 프라다,불가리의 붕괴 시사점

독일의 명품 패션 그룹인 에스카다(ESCADA)가 파산 했다. 13일 블룸버그 통신은 "에스카다가 이날 독일 뮌헨 지방법원에 파산신청서를 냈다"고 보도했다. 에스카다는 글로벌 불황 탓에 자금난에 몰려 채권단과 부채탕감 협상을 벌여왔으나 지난 11일 협상이 최종 결렬됐었다.

에스카다의 부도 위기는 프랑스의 고급 패션브랜드 라크루아(Lacroix)의 파산과 더불어, 럭셔리 패션업계가 겪는 깊은 침체의 상황을 드러냈다.

르 몽드에 따르면, 프랑스와 세계 럭셔리 패션 부문에서 1~2위를 다투는 이탈리아의 럭셔리 기업들도 심각한 경영위기를 겪고 있다. 아르마니·베르사체와 함께 이탈리아를 대표하는 3대 패션 브랜드인 지앙 프랑코 페레(Gien Franco Ferre)의 모(母)기업 아이티 홀딩(IT Holding)은 올 초 파산해 법정관리 를 받고 있다. 보석업체 불가리(BULGARI)는 올 들어서만 4000만유로(720억원) 이상의 적자를 기록하며 경영난에 시달린다. 프라다(PRADA)도 재무구조가 악화돼 자금을 수혈해 줄 새 전주(錢主)를 구하고 있다. 이탈리아 일간지 일 솔레24의 보도에 따르면, 프라다는 카타르 국부펀드에 지분 30%를 매각하는 방안을 협상 중이다.

이미지 출처 : 조선일보(조선일보는 ESCADA홈페이지에서 추출)

스위스에선 시계산업이 궁지에 몰렸다. 명품시계업체 제니스(ZENITH)는 판매부진 탓에 올 초 직원 10%를 해고한 데 이어, 조만간 전체 직원의 3분의 1에 해당하는 70명을 추가 해고할 예정 이라고 르 몽드는 전했다.

기사 출처 : 조선일보 원문보기

대마불패(大馬不敗)의 관념을 깨뜨린 IMF환란 위기..
명마불패(名馬不敗)의 관념을 깨뜨리는 2009년 세계금융위기..

경기불황 일수록 명품 구매력은 올라간다는 이야기가 있었습니다. 있습니다가 아니라 있었습니다라고 해야 하겠네요. 세계경제 불황의 직격탄을 맞은 몇 몇 브랜드 업체의 붕괴가 속속 일어나고 있습니다.
이들 업체의 방만경영에서 초래된 붕괴 입니다. 브랜드 가치의 영속성만 의존한 경영의 부실과 개발력의 부재가 불러온 사건입니다.

하버드 경영대학원도 인정한 MCM 성공사례
5년 전 독일 본사로부터 MCM 브랜드를 성주그룹가 인수하면서 오히려 MCM의 브랜드를 가치를 올린 것과는 사뭇 대조를 이루고 있습니다.
참고로 하버드 경영대학원에서는 MCM의 성공 사례를 연구 해 올해부터 교재로 채택되었다고 하는데 이 참에 한국기업들이 명품 브랜드 업체를 인수해서 돈을 벌었으면 합니다.

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