블로그 누리는 세상 (82)
How long we must wait ?! Now just search the iPod leather case
Last month, I composed the post about "My No.1 Wishlist~". If you read that post you can know my MP3 Player was out of order. By small effort, My MP3 Player was repaired by maker without any cost. Therefore I can listen english or music. But I can not stop my wish to get the new MP3 Player. So I am trying to keep up with the newst information on MP3 player or Cell Phone.

According to the Financial Times, Apple plan to distribute a cheap iPhone as soon as possible. It's price will be $149 ~ $99.

In korean market, most consumer want to buy iPhone 3G S model. 
Even the price of 3G S is much more than 3G. The satisfaction from 3G S make the consumer to want to buy it.
source from "engadget"

But this will not be sold in few monthes according to the WWDC Keynote. This case is not first, Apple announced that new item could get in the Korean market. But finally Apple broke promise several times. How long Korean people must wait for it?

In my blog, Google Adsense and other Advertizement are installed. I made the money from these mothods. But I do not want to spend that money, I put the money in my bank account. Why??? I will use them when I buy the iPod or Cellular Phone.
I hate the impulse buying and control my mind. When good stuff comes up to me, I will withdraw money.

Utill this time, I often are searching the web site to find some accessories such as leather cases


iPod Leather Case


iPod Leather Case


Blackberry Crystal Case


Blackberry Jelly & Sillicone Case


Motorola Q Active Sport Case


Motorola Q Classic

iPhone 3G

iPhone 3G

iPhone 3G White Case

iPhone 3G

iPhone 3G Black Case

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블로그 5월 결산

매 월말이 되면 회사에서 월마감 한다고 부산합니다. 왜 이럴까요. 시스템이 없기 때문입니다. 시스템이란 단지 ERP 같은 것만 의미 하지 않습니다. 어쩌면 프로세스가 없다고 하는 것이 정확할 수 있습니다. 각설하고......

저도 블로그 결산을 시작한지 2개월째 입니다. 어느 정도 프로세스???가 잡혀가는 모양입니다.

블로깅 생활에서 2009년 5월이 던져 준 가치는 뭘까 생각해 본 결과는
"블로그 수익 새롭고 확실한 구조 발견과 확인" 입니다.

지난 4월 23일부터 시작된 New project의 결과가 아주 흥미롭습니다.
5월 동안에 7개의 포스트 작성과 광고유치를 통해서 USD92.85의 수익을 올렸다는 것 입니다.

2009년 5월 블로그 손이계산서

(잡수익 중 165,000원은 위블 MCM지갑 당첨)

2009년 5월 블로그 수익내역

위의 빨간 숫자 주목

구글광고수익(USD29.93)은 노무현 전 대통령 국민장 기간에는 광고를 삭제한 것 입니다.
작다면 작은 금액이지만, 나름 만족하는 수준 입니다.

6월 블로그 활동의 목표는 "구글광고수익 USD50이상" 달성 하는 것 입니다.
과연 달성할 수 있을까요......

[ 관련 글 보기 ]

블로그 4월 결산

엑셀로 작성한 블로그 가계부

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한 달에 대기업 과장급 연봉을 버는 블로거

하루 방문자 : 3만명

한달 수익금 : 천만원(대기업 과장 연봉 금액을 한 달에 버는 블로거도 있다는데....        넌       누구냐?????)


블로그로 큰 돈을 버는 파워블로거들이 속속 등장하고 있습니다.

취미생활과 수익창출이라는 두 마리 토끼를 잡을 수 있는 블로그 1인기업시대.

현장속으로에서 취재했습니다.


블로거 사이에서 베리로즈라는 별명으로 유명한 현진희 주부. 자신이 만든 요리를 카메라로 찍어 블로그에 올리기 시작하면서 인터넷 스타로 떠올랐는데요.
그녀의 살림노하우를 배우기 위해 하루 3만 명이 넘는 인원이 블로그를 다녀갈 정도입니다.

◀INT▶한진희(46)/경인도 용인시 수지

"주부님들이 충분히 받아들일 수 있는 공감대를 형성할 수 있는 그런 성실한 포스팅이 꾸준히 이어졌기 때문에많이들 찾아주시는 것 같더라고요."

현진희 씨는 자신이 사용해 보고 편리한 제품의 공동구매행사를 벌이기도 하는데요.

현씨처럼 공동구매 수수료는 물론 글을 올리는 포스팅 비용 등으로 한 달에 1000만 원이 넘는 수익을 올리는 파워블로거들도 많습니다.

◀INT▶한진희(46)/경인도 용인시 수지

"한 달 평균적으로 대기업 과장급 이상 연봉 정도는 꾸준히 유지하고 있어요."

기업체와 연계해 광고수익을 올리거나 공동구매로 돈을 버는 파워블로거들이 등장하면서 블로그에 대한 관심도 더 커지고 있습니다.

주방용 살균기를 만드는 한 중소기업은 블로그를 통해 공동구매를 실시하면서 한때 업무가 마비될 정도로 주문이 폭주했다고 하는데요.

기업 입장에서는 블로그마케팅이라는 몰랐던 시장에 눈을 뜬 셈입니다.

◀INT▶임기순/주방용품 제조업체 대표

"동업자들하고 상대를 할 때 아무리 많이 가져가 봐야 한 업체도 잘 가져가야 200개에서 500개 정도인데 순식간에 블로그를 통해서 1시간도 안 돼서 2000개를 판매했다는 것이 

지금도 사실 저는 믿겨지지가 않습니다."

소비자정보학과 3학년 오재희 씨는 기업의 블로그리포터로 활동하면서 전공과 관련된 정보를 얻기도 하고요. 파워블로거들과의 만남을 통해 기술적인 노하우를 전수받기도 합니다.

◀INT▶오지혜/건국대학교 3학년

"기업체에서 직접 교육을 받고 쓰다 보니까 훨씬 더 기획력도 생기고 또 많이 가르쳐주시니까 더 블로그 글이 좀더 발전해나가고 있는 것 같아요."

이렇게 블로그가 새로운 기회의 장으로 떠오르면서 블로그의 가치를 평가해 주는 기업도 등장했는데요.


"똘똘 스머프님의 블로그를 보시면 단순하게 어떤 소개와 동영상 정도의 콘텐츠를 가지고 있었지만 콘텐츠가 어떻게 블로거들에 전달될 수 있는지 소통하는 방식을 배워서 현재는 약 3.000명이 방문하는.."

영향력 있는 블로가 되기 위해서는 자기계발을 통한 꾸준 관리가 중요합니다.

◀INT▶이준호/인터넷 기업 대표

"파워블로거들은 한 달에 20일 정도 블로그에 대해서 관심을 쏟고 한 달에 약 34개의 컨텐츠를 올리고 있습니다."

자신이 좋아하는 일을 열심히 하다 보면 돈은 저절로 따라온다고 하는데요.

이제 블로그가 취미를 넘어 수익을 가져다 주는 1인기업으로 진화하고 있습니다. 현장속으로입니다.

출처 : MBC 원문보기

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Prevent 3 kinds of risks in the fire accident
Set up, But do not work!
This is the 2nd in a series of posts reminding the importance of safety facility. 
In the News Papers, I found a sad fire accident which was occured in the Karaoke(Karaoke is like bar where drink liquor and sing song. In Korea, is called as DanlanJujeom). 3 people died. The fire marshal noted that this accident was manmade disasters that could have been avoided. In this place, proper fire prevention equipment was installed, but these didn't work. The owner of Karaoke just focused on only passing the safety checks conducted by municipal authorities. It is nonsense!. Most of the fire tragedies were triggered by a lack of safety measures and the failure to operate fire prevention equipment.

Set up, But can not Access!
When we get in to the building, occasionally we can see the gate is blocked by filling cabinets or stuffs. In case of emergency, we should have no means of escape thru this gate in this building. In more serious case, we try to find another gate, it is difficult to find exit signs due to filling cabinets or stuffs.

Set up, But is not proof against fire
All of fire prevention equipment should be proof againt fire. But some of exit signs tend to melt from heat. These are not fall to meet the regulation. So when we get them, we must check them meet the safety regulation or not. Photoluminescent Exit Signs constructed from 99% aluminum would be better than Exit Signs constructed from chemicals. In fire accident, Chemicals will emit toxic gases if burnt.

last factor,Sometimes the electricity fail during fire accident, so Exit Signs must be illuminated. Against an electricity failure, Self Luminous Exit Signs can be recommended.

Don't neglect advices above mentioned. These are references.

Nightclub fire kills 43 in China
By Patti Waldmeir
Published: September 22 2008 03:00 | Last updated: September 22 2008 03:00

A Chinese nightclub fire killed at least 43 people at the weekend and left 88 injured, according to Xinhua, the Chinese news agency.

The fire, at a Shenzhen club, was triggered by "fireworks", local police said. The disaster, which comes in the middle of a public crisis over tainted milk powder, highlights other public safety risks in the country.

The club, located just across the border from Hong Kong, held hundreds of people at the time of the blaze.

Fires and accidents in bars, theatres and other public places are common in China despite government pledges to improve safety.

Many are caused by negligence and lax safety procedures, such as insufficient fire extinguishers and emergency exits.

Disasters in two Chinese coal mines this weekend left at least 36 workers dead, with 35 missing, according to local media reports.

Patti Waldmeir, Shanghai

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009         Go to Source
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Stable, Various TV service

Recently We are hearing so many times about 'Local IPTV'. Advantages of this Local IPTV come from IT Technology Developments. We can expect to watch various TV Programmes, real time programmes. It is natural for us to think we can enjoy abve advantages. In spite of advantages, according to industry sources,  IPTV service subscribers are not much increased. The slow progress has been attributed to the lack of real time channels and expensive VOD service charges. At the begining time, it cost much more to enjoy the new technology and also the range of service is limited.

Why do people subscribe unstable services like Local IPTV?
People want to see the movie in any time, People try to get the real-time news happened around world. People want to learn english or other languages as a second foreign language. There are many reasons except above.

Unfortunately, it is difficult with IPTV due to the lack of real time channels and expensive charges. There is not no way. You know, even you can not see them in the sky, but they surely are in the sky......What?.  This is satellite. By networks with satelite such as dish network, we can get the pleasure. If you check the conditions,  No Big Deal to get the enjoyment from this. Just check the Dish network deals.

Unlikely IPTV, the service range of dish network is from real time sports game to adult programme. special dish networks offers.

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My No.1 Wishlist, iPod with iPod Leather Case

My MP3 Player

My MP3 Player Sony NWZ-E436F

If it is not the first time of you to visit in my blog, You get to know I am studying english with MP3 Player which made by Sony. Because the listenning skill is the basic and important when you learn languages, I always try to have the time to listen english even when I driving to my company.

Yesterday while driving, I found scratch on my MP3 Player.  To make matters worse, Earphone is out of order. So I must go to the ServiceCenter to repair it ASAP. You know if you don't listen english for a while, All efforts had come to nothing.

If it cost much to repair it, what I should......
When it comes to electronic products, I am naive. But I got to know which one is good or not by reading the news paper or blog.

Below pictures are which I want to buy iPod Touch.

My Wishlist IPod Touch

iPod Touch

When I get it, I really want to protect that purchase with the iPod leather case.

Last year I bought the Mobile phone. At that time I considered to buy smart phone(which can be connected with internet services). But Finally I decided not to buy it because of cost. Recently I am eager to have the smart phone especially Black Jack which made by SamSung, iPhone which was developed by Steve Jobs and Blackberry which is called as Obama Phone. Sometimes I dream of compsing the blog post with these smart phones while waiting for my meal in a favorite restaurant or using the smart phone during the business trip.

Whatever I choose one of them(Black Jack, Blackberry, Iphone,....in case of Blackberry and iPhone, I can not find them in the Korean Market), I will purchse cases.... iPhone leather case, Blackberry case. It will protect my phone from the occasional fall or bump. And also It will change the look and feel of my phone.

My Dream will comes true!


'블로그 누리는 세상' 카테고리의 다른 글

블로그 5월 결산  (12) 2009.06.05
한 달에 대기업 과장급 연봉을 버는 블로거  (14) 2009.06.02
Prevent 3 kinds of risks in the fire accident  (0) 2009.05.26
Stable, Various TV service  (0) 2009.05.19
Tips of Child Safety  (8) 2009.05.13
색상추출기 프로그램  (10) 2009.05.07
Just keep and wait !!  (2) 2009.05.06
블로그 4월 결산  (8) 2009.05.06
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Tips of Child Safety

Nowadays, Concerns about Safety have increased rapidly around world. 

Why this happens? 
To get the answer about this question, we have to understand our circumstances arounding us.

1. By taking the trip More, your house or office More vacant.
Actually we have more chances trip with familly than before. So There is no person who take care of your house or office.
2. By experiencing, We can not trust anybody.
It is fact even we want to deny this fact. Human beings trust the system gradually not human beings. Why?. These changes came from experiences someone deceived you.For example You can find bad news without difficulty like that neighborhood stole money or jewelry
3. By keeping deep economic recessin, robbers are increased.
If one man is not bad guy. But he lost job,he have to bring his baby.What is worse, he don't have money to buy milk or food for his baby. What he will do????. In worst case he may try to steal something in you house.



Circumstance above mentioned wil not be over in near future. 

Why can we overcome this problem? It is easy way that we can install the safety device in the window or door with our's own hands. This is basic steps. But Be cautious! this method will be not perfect solution because thief can break these devices while you are not in home.
To prevent that, Alarm system shall be needed. If thief try to break the device, Alarm system let us and policeman know it.

Another case,

If we have to go near place with your home, child is alone in home. It is difficult to do what we have to do because child staying alone in home makes us nervous. I have these situations several times for myself. What can we do in this situation?

What about Monitoring System. While child is alone, we can see what he is doing. But this has demerit. This system cost much more.

Anyway, There are tips of Child Safety

  • Keep all lighters and matches out of reach. Extinguish candles when you leave the room or go to sleep – never leave children alone with an unattended open flame.
  • Do not allow children to supervise each other while swimming or bathing. Adults must supervise children in and around water.
  • Install safety locks on windows to prevent children from climbing and/or falling out of them. Teach older children how to properly use the locks during an emergency.
  • Keep medications and cosmetics out of reach. Lock these items in a cabinet to prevent poisoning.
  • Design an emergency escape plan, and perform regular practice drills.

Approximately 2,000 children between 1 and 14 years of age die annually due to home accidents. More than 3 million children are injured in the home each year. Most of these incidents take place during the summer, when children are home from school and parents are at work.

What do you feel after reading above information. This is serious situation to children. As parents, we always try to make the home security and safety. But Setting and Keeping the high leve security and safety system costs more than Safety Service Company such as ADT.

Using Safety Service company is more efficient than making the security system by yourself because these company provide services such as not only protecting against burglary but also watch out for fire, smoke, carbon monoxide, flooding, medical emergencies with their alarm systems. In Safety Service Industry field, When we choose the company we must consider the its reputation, the number of customers, business history.

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색상추출기 프로그램

구글 애드센스 광고를 올릴 때, 흔히 구글 애드센스의 광고문안이 스킨의 디자인에 잘 매칭이 될 수 있기 위해서 노력합니다.

화장의 예를 빗대어 표현하면,
"화장이 붕 떴다!"
피부색과 잘 먹는 화장 한 여자를 보면 매력을 느낄 수 있듯이, 구글 광고역시 화장을 잘 먹은 광고 배치가 중요할 것 입니다.
이런 포인트에서 가급적으로 광고문안과 스킨이 잘 융합되기 위한 방법으로 글자색상을 통일화하는 것이 기초단계가 아닐까 생각합니다.

애드센스광고문안 색상과 스킨의 색상을 동일하게 한다.

그래서 구글 애드센스광고 문안 색상과 스킨 글자를 통일화 하였습니다.
글자색상을 맞추기 전후의 화면을

[ Before ]

언듯 색상이 비슷하게 보이지만, 좌측의 구글 애드센스 글자의 색상은 #66b5f 입니다. 하지만 오른쪽의 글자 색상은 #a6d2ff였습니다.

[ After ]

화장이 잘 먹힌 것과 아닌 것의 차이점을 구분할 수 있습니다. 아래의 첨부파일은 색상추출기 프로그램입니다. 설치 후 프로그램의 스포이드를 색상번호를 찾고자하는 곳에 올려 놓으면 색상번호가 나옵니다.

관련 글 보기

블로그 댓글 배경 설정법

긴 본문에서 간단한 마우스 이동법

글 목록 설정법

구글 애드센스 광고 배치 방법(본문)


'블로그 누리는 세상' 카테고리의 다른 글

Prevent 3 kinds of risks in the fire accident  (0) 2009.05.26
Stable, Various TV service  (0) 2009.05.19
My No.1 Wishlist, iPod with iPod Leather Case  (2) 2009.05.19
Tips of Child Safety  (8) 2009.05.13
Just keep and wait !!  (2) 2009.05.06
블로그 4월 결산  (8) 2009.05.06
Don't let these happen again!  (2) 2009.05.01
블로그 수익 다양화 발견  (14) 2009.05.01
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