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Advertik's Time Ads System
Advertik's Time Ads boost ads income
Advertik Time Ads is a free add-on that helps online publishers significantly boost their ads revenue whilst attracting new customers. Advertisers or sales staff can create and book ads directly onto a publisher's website for an attractive hourly rate, allowing for specific, 
low cost, and targeted ad delivery. Fresh approach to advertising comes at a time when the publishing industry is struggling to cope with drastically reduced advertising revenues because of the economic downturn. 
Service is expected to attract a wide number of advertisers looking for accountable ROI in the face of shrinking budgets. With a successful record of accomplishment in the Scandinavian publishing sector, the Advertik Time Ads solution allows advertisers to seamlessly create their own advertisement online via a publisher's website, select the time of day and days of the week they would like their advertisement to appear, and then they can pay via the secure payment gateway. To fully understand our system you may go to www.advertik.com and look our list of publishers. Clicking on any publisher in the list allows you to create a ad yourself and book. But abort before completing the payment process. Since our software is totally free, it will attract those website owners who are seeking to increase their website ads revenue significantly.

Advertik AS is a private held Norwegian company located and registered in Norway. They own and develop the service www.advertik.com

Advertik began its business venture from Norway on 9th october 2009 and has made proven inroads in the online market, which is now one of the world's fastest growing online communities. They strive to bring to the internet publishers and advertisers innovative time based advertising solutions. With their time ad service, a internet publisher can offer to the advertisers an automatic time advertisement solution that is accessible anywhere and at anytime!

Their aim at www.advertik.com is to simply offer alternative advertisement solutions for SME market on Internet. The publisher can open up a new market and increase revenues over the night by letting SME advertisers buy specific hourly based ADS at affordable prices. System is an fully automated online ad booking system where advertisers in just 2 minutes can create, book and pay the ad online. Of course you as a publisher having full control on published ads.

 The low cost to advertisers because they pay only per hour and choose specific hours. In addition to sharing the hourly slot with several other advertisers.

Advertisers use TIME ADS system because:

  • They finally can advertise on large internet sites with "small" budgets.
  • They finally can choose their particular advertisement time that suits their needs.
  • They finally can simply create, book and pay their campaign online.
  • They finally can be visible with their logo and product.
  • A possibility to change their ad and or campaign as much as they want.
  • Easy methods of payment, credit cards such as VISA, MasterCard, Pay Pal...
  • Full access to LIVE statistics

The ads are rotated to a different ads every 15 seconds without a page refresh.

Publishers use TIME ADS system because:

  • We offer increased income without any new costs.
  • We bring new possibilities to your advertisers based on TIME ADS solutions.
  • We market our service and this will increase the brand awareness of the publishers joined.
  • We ensure state of the art technology.
  • You open up an opportunity to sell subscriprion based timeads to SME market.
  • You open up an opportunity to sell both run on site and specific cathegory pages.
  • We provide an easy, transparent and efficient solution.
  • We bring out frequently new and innovative services to help our publishers increase their revenues.
  • You convert small advertisers into large media buyers by giving them chance to advertise their products and services at an affordable price.

Ads System For Publishers Who Wish To Maximize Ads Revenue

Check out their home website for more info.
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Good Software for Budgeting, Forecasting and Planning - "PlanGuru"
Good Software - PlanGuru
Budgeting, Forecasting and Planning Software for Small and Medium Sized Businesses
PlanGuru combines business budgeting, forecasting and planning into one comprehensive solution. PlanGuru is flexible and sophisticated budgeting and forecasting software that makes it easier to set up your business budgets and forecasts without having to create a single formula.

  • Business budgeting software that automatically integrates balance sheets, income statements and cash flow lets you focus on the important issues.
  • Import and export utilities minimize set up time.
  • Budget, forecast or plan for up to 5 years.
  • Consolidate department, division or subsidiary budgets/forecasts.
  • An affordable alternative to spreadsheet software for your budgeting, forecasting and planning.

Intuitive Design
PlanGuru is designed to provide the small and mid sized companies an affordable alternative to spreadsheet software for business budgeting, forecasting and planning. With PlanGuru’s intuitive design you get the look and feel of spreadsheet software without all the problems of building and maintaining spreadsheet formulas. 
With PlanGuru you can build your budgets and forecasts without ever having to create single formula. Import your accounts and historical balances with one of PlanGuru’s import utilities, choose from one of PlanGuru’s powerful budgeting/forecasting methods, enter your assumptions and see the results.

Easy to use budgeting/forecasting methods
Business budgeting and planning is a process of refinement, especially small business budgeting. As you prepare your budget/forecast, one of the things you will like most about PlanGuru is that as soon as you add a new line to your budget/forecast or change an assumption, you immediately see the impact on your balance sheet, P&L and cash flow. 
You will have a variety of budgeting/forecasting methods that would be almost impossible to do in your spreadsheets duplicate in your spreadsheet software.
Set up a note payable by just entering the terms of the note
Set up a line of credit that automatically advances or pays down the line.
Automatically compute receivables, payables, prepaid expenses, withheld and accrued taxes and more.
If you have already computed budgeted/forecasted amounts in your spreadsheet software you can link lines in your budget/forecast to the spreadsheets. Plus, you can create supporting schedules to support line items in your budget/forecast and use non-financial items in your budgets.

The tool of choice
PlanGuru product has been on the market for 10 years. Since 1999, PlanGuru business budgeting and forecasting software has been chosen by small and medium sized businesses and by over 3,000 accounting firms. These professional advisors chose PlanGuru as their tool of choice for advising their clients on budgeting, forecasting and planning because it is easy to use and provides their clients with the information they need to make their business more successful. 
Regardless of size, your business should have a budget and a plan for the future. With PlanGuru business budgeting, forecasting and planning software, you can take the pain out of the budgeting and planning process and start realizing the benefits.

PlanGuru Professional
When it comes to preparing budgets, projections and forecasts PlanGuru Professional makes your spreadsheet software obsolete. Simply put, you’ll do more in less time with PlanGuru business forecasting and planning software!
With PlanGuru Professional you get:
  • The ability to create budgets and forecasts without ever having to create or maintain a formula
  • Intuitive spreadsheet like user interface without the spreadsheet hassles
  • Customizable financial statements and reports
  • Automatic financial ratios
  • Automatic breakeven analysis
  • Import account data directly from QuickBooks®
  • Ability to import from and export to Excel

PlanGuru Consultant
PlanGuru Consultant is the right solution if you want to take your budgeting, forecasting and planning to the next level.
PlanGuru Consultant gives you all the features of PlanGuru Professional PLUS:
  • Improve the business planning process with goal setting features
  • Consolidate up to 20 departments, divisions or subsidiaries
  • Set up a performance measurement system
  • Value a business with PlanGuru Business Valuation tools
  • Import account data directly from QuickBooks®
  • Tools to help Professional accountants complying with AICPA reporting guidelines

PlanGuru Special Edition for QuickBooks® Users
The Special Edition for QuickBooks® Users makes preparing your budget easy. This single year budgeting tool is seamlessly integrated with QuickBooks and streamlines the budgeting process by providing you with enhanced budgeting capabilities and analytical tools to help you analyze your results.
With PlanGuru Special Edition for QuickBooks® Users for you get:
  • Seamless integration with QuickBooks® Pro, Premier and Enterprise
  • A budgeting wizard to guide you through the budgeting process in a matter of minutes
  • Reports to help you analyze your results
  • On-screen analysis tools
  • Dashboard of up to 6 key performance indicators

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블로그 성장 4단계
아래의 글은 제가 피드버너를 통해서 구독하고 있는 'DailyBlogTips'에 실린 내용입니다.
원문과 함께 구글 번역기를 통해 한글로 변환한 내용도 같이 올려 봅니다. 다소 매끄럽지 못한 부분이 있지만, 전체적 윤곽 파악에는 지장이 없을 듯 해서 그대로 실어 봅니다.

The Four Stages of Growing a Blog

This is a guest post by Kevin. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.
Growing a blog to a successful, monetizable state is a long journey that requires a great deal of effort and dedication. Most bloggers fail to realize their initial goal of developing an income producing blog. I believe there are four stages of growth that a blog must pass through in order to achieve this goal. These stages can be described as follows:

블로그 성장의 4 단계 

이것은 케빈에 의해 손님 게시물입니다.
만약 당신이 블로그에 손님을 게시, 여기 지침을 체크 아웃합니다. 
성공, monetizable 상태의 노력과 헌신의 큰 거래를 필요로 긴 여정입니다 블로그 쑥쑥. 대부분의 블로거들은 소득이 블로그의 생산 개발의 초기 목표를 실현하지 못합니다. 

거기서의 성장 4 단계는 블로그의 주문이 목표를 달성하기 위해 통과해야하는 믿습니다. 
이러한 단계로 다음과 같이 설명 될 수있습니다 : 

Stage 1: Getting Established
The first stage of growing a blog is simply getting established. The focus during this stage is primarily content and blog setup. Most of your effort will go into creating a sufficient quantity of quality content for a sustainable blog launch. I believe a good way to do this is to actually write anywhere from 10 to 50 articles prior to launching the blog.
Basic blog setup tasks like SEO and plugin setup is also a part of this stage, although this takes much less time than creating the actual content. You also want to make sure that you get a handful of backlinks simply so that your blog gets indexed by the search engines. I typically like to do this the natural way of getting a backlink and letting the search engine “naturally discover” your blog versus submitting your blog to be added to the search engine. I’ve noticed a more quality indexing of your content through this more natural process.
Most people fail in this initial stage by focusing on monetization. You’re not going to make any money in the early stages, so you may as well ignore it.
Time to complete stage 1: 3 – 6 months

1 단계 : 설립 방법

블로그 성장의 첫번째 단계는 단순히 설립지고있습니다. 
이 단계 동안에 초점을 주로 콘텐츠와 블로그를 설치. 귀하의 노력을 지속 블로그를 발사하는 양질의 컨텐츠를 만드는 충분한 수량에 들어갈 예정의 대부분은. 난 이렇게 좋은 방법은 실제로는 아무데도 10 ~ 50 기사를 발사하기 전에 블로그에서 작성하는 것입니다 믿습니다. 

비록 실제 콘텐츠를 만드는 것보다 훨씬 적은 시간이 걸립니다 서장훈과 플러그인의 설치와 같은 기본적인 블로그 설정을 작업도이 단계의 일부입니다. 당신은 또한 당신을 간략하게 얻을 수 있도록 단순히 그렇게 귀하의 블로그를 검색 엔진에 의해 색인이 생성되면 뒤로 싶어요. 나는 일반적으로 뒤로 링크를 점점 검색 엔진은 "셔서 자연스럽게"귀하의 블로그에 비해 제출 귀하의 블로그를 발견이 자연적인 방법으로 검색 엔진에 추가할 수 싶어요. 난이 더 자연스러운 과정을 통해 귀하의 콘텐츠가 더 좋은 색인 것으로 나타났습니다. 
대부분의 사람들은 초기 단계에서 수익 창출에 초점을 맞춤으로써 실패합니다. 당신이 초기 단계에있는 돈을 벌기 위해, 그래서 당신은뿐만 아니라 그것을 무시할 수있습니다 않을거야. 
러닝 타임 1 단계를 완료하려면 : 3 - 6 months

Stage 2: Traffic Growth
You’re ready to enter the growth stage if you have an established blog with quality content. You’re starting to get a handful of comments and maybe even some regular readers. You’re also getting some traffic from search engines based on your indexed content.
The growth stage is marked by traffic growth, subscriber growth, and the start of some income produced by the blog. Even at this point, traffic growth is still more important than income growth so it is there where we will focus. The growth of traffic is created by continuous quality content plus the addition of quality backlinks.
The best ways to get the backlinks are not the easy ways. I think it is good to assume that Google is smarter than we think they are and know how to weigh hard-to-get backlinks versus easy-to-get backlinks. As such, I don’t place much emphasis on backlinks in comments, forums and social media. The better backlinks will come from guest posts and natural backlinks (when someone decides to link to your site because they like what you have to say). Establishing relationships with other bloggers can help develop backlinks, since building a relationship with someone will make him or her aware of your existence.
The backlinks serve two purposes. First, it actually drives traffic to your blog and hopefully, some of this traffic turns into regular visitors. Second, these backlinks help your search engine status which is crucial.
Make a goal for yourself to write two guest posts per month on quality blogs with established readerships and preferably solid Page Rank numbers. Of course, part of this process of getting guest posts on blogs is convincing the blog owner to publish your stuff and a link to your blog.
Stage 2 is a long process that can go on for months, even years. The growth will be slow, but the goal is for it to be consistent. Some blogs based on some helpful circumstances and maybe even a little luck will get through this stage rapidly, but for most of us, you’re looking at a longer process.
Time to complete stage 2: 6 months – 2 years

2 단계 : 트래픽 성장

만약 당신이 좋은 품질의 콘텐츠와 함께 설립을 당신의 블로그의 성장 단계에 진입할 준비가되어 있어요. 어쩌면 당신과 몇 가지 일반적인 독자 의견을 간략하게 모이기 시작하네요. 당신은 또한 검색 엔진이 귀하의 색인에서 콘텐츠를 기반으로 교통 체증이 좀 있어요. 
성장 단계에 트래픽이 성장, 가입자 증가율, 일부 수입 블로그에 의해 생산을 시작하여 표시됩니다. 그래서 우리가 어디로 초점이 시점에서도, 트래픽의 성장은 여전히 더 많은 소득 증가율보다 중요합니다. 트래픽의 성장을 지속적으로 양질의 콘텐츠를 더하기 품질을 뒤로의 추가에 의해 만들어집니다. 
뒤로 쉬운 방법없습니다 얻을 수있는 가장 좋은 방법. 난 우리보다 그들은 무게가 얼마나 힘든지 아는 것 그것은 구글 똑똑 생각 좋은 생각 - 뒤로 대 쉽게 뒤로 들어가야합니다. 이와 같이, 난 의견, 포럼 및 소셜 미디어에 뒤로 링크에 많은 중점을 올려 놓지 마십시오. 뒤로 더 손님이 게시물을 뒤로하고 자연에서 온 것입니다 (누군가가 있기 때문에 당신이 무슨 말을했는지와 같은 귀하의 사이트에 링크)를 결정합니다. 뒤로 개발을 도울 수있는 사람이나 할 것입니다 누군가와 관계를 구축 이후로 다른 블로거와 관계를 구축 그녀가 당신의 존재를 알고. 
뒤로 두 가지 목적을 제공합니다. 첫째, 사실은 귀하의 블로그와 희망의 트래픽 드라이브, 이것 좀 트래픽의 일반 방문자로 바뀝니다. 둘째, 이러한 뒤로가 매우 중요합니다 귀하의 검색 엔진의 상태를 도와줍니다. 
자신에 대한 목표를 만들어 설립 readerships 및 선호 고체 페이지 순위 번호와 품질을 블로그에 한달에 두 개의 게스트 게시물을 작성할 수있습니다. 블로그에 손님이 게시물을 받고이 과정의 과정의 일부가 귀하의 블로그로 링크를 귀하의 물건을 게시하는 블로그 주인이 설득력이있다. 
2 단계는 한 달 갈 수있는 긴 과정, 심지어 년. 성장 속도가 느려질 수 있지만 것입 목표에 대한 일관성이됩니다. 어떤 블로그의 몇 가지 유용한 상황에 따라 그리고 어쩌면 약간의 행운이이 단계를 통해 급속하게하지만, 얻을 것이다 우리의 대부분을 위해 당신은 더 이상 프로세스를 찾고있습니다. 
러닝 타임 2 단계를 완료하려면 : 6 개월 - 2 년

Stage 3: Maturity & Monetization
The maturity stage in most business cycles usually refers to a leveling off of growth. In blogging, maturity doesn’t necessarily mean the slowing of growth. In my opinion, it simply means that achieving the same growth rate doesn’t require as much effort. I repeat, this stage still represents significant growth in traffic.
Because this stage does not require the same level of effort in producing quality content for your blog as well as other blogs (guest posts), you should now put effort into refining the monetization of your blog. This can include signing advertisement deal, optimizing Adsense performance and possibly trying out some affiliate programs. With that said, quality content still must be continuously produced during this stage.
In addition to continued growth in traffic during this stage, you should definitely see significant growth in income. It is during this stage, that you can begin enjoying some of the fruits of your hard work of the previous months and years.
Time to complete stage 3: 6 months – 1 year

3 단계 : 성숙 & 유료화 

대부분의 비즈니스 사이클에서 성숙 단계를 의미합니다 일반적으로 성장의 수평. 블로그에서 반드시 성숙 성장 둔화 의미하지는 않습니다. 내 생각에, 그것을 단순히 즉, 많은 노력이 필요하지 않습니다 같은 성장률을 달성. 나는,이 단계는 아직도 상당한 트래픽 성장을 나타냅니다 반복한다. 
때문에이 단계는 귀하의 블로그뿐 아니라 다른 블로그 (게스트 게시물) 양질의 콘텐츠를 생산하는 노력을 동일한 수준을 필요로하지 않습니다, 당신은 이제 당신의 블로그의 수익 창출 수정에 노력한다. 이것은 광고 계약을 체결, 그리고 애드 센스의 성능을 최적화 가능성이 몇 가지 제휴 프로그램에 나가려고 포함할 수있습니다. 와, 양질의 콘텐츠를 아직이 단계 동안 지속적으로 제작해야했다. 
트래픽의 지속적인 성장뿐만 아니라이 단계 동안에, 당신은 분명히 소득에서 괄목할만한 성장을 볼 수있습니다. 이 단계 동안에, 당신이 몇 개월 이전 년간의 노력이 열매를 즐기면서 시작할 수있습니다. 
러닝 타임 3 단계를 완료하려면 : 6 개월 - 1 년

Stage 4: Maintenance
This stage is very interesting because there are several big blogs that do very well that have let their blogs deteriorate with regards to quality and perhaps quantity of content. The reason for this is usually because they no longer have to produce the same quality of content in order to continue growing and driving significant income. Could they grow even more and make even more money if they didn’t let their quality slip? Probably, but it is probably a natural tendency of bloggers at this stage.
With that said, not everyone falls into that trap, but the point is that the level of effort required to maintain a blog that has successfully reached this stage is significantly less than the effort required during the previous stages. Once blogs reach this level, it has almost reached a self-sustaining point where the readers continue to grow and spread the word without your encouragement to do so. Content is still required but it is not nearly as important as it was in previous growth stages.
In this stage, there is significant income potential. Possibly career replacing income potential. Most blogs don’t reach this level. In fact, it’s probably a tiny percentage of the blogosphere.
Tips To Get Through The Stages
1. Blog about a topic that you are either really interested in or are already involved in professionally. This will help you continue to produce content when it becomes difficult to continue to do so.
2. Approach growing your blog like growing a business. It takes time and requires work. There are few short cuts.
3. Understand ahead of time that growth will take time, and you are likely to become discouraged at times. Be persistent.
Kevin owns and operates 20smoney.com, which is a blog focused on developing income streams and taking a business-like approach to blogging.

4 단계 : 유지 보수

이 단계에서 매우 없기 때문에 아주 잘 자신의 블로그 저하 못하게 할 몇 가지 큰 블로그를하는 품질 및 콘텐츠의 양은 아마도 안부 흥미롭습니다. 왜냐하면 그들은 더 이상 성장을 계속하기 위해서는 상당한 소득 및 운전의 콘텐츠와 동일한 품질의 제품을 가지고 이런 이유 이내입니다. 그들은 더 많은 그리고 더 많은 돈을 버는 경우 그들의 품질을 놓쳤네요 안 자랄까요? 아마도,하지만 아마이 단계에서 블로거의 자연적인 경향이다. 
그렇게 말한다면, 모든 사람이 지점의 노력 수준의 블로그가 성공적으로이 단계에 도달했습니다 상당히 노력을 이전 단계에서 필요한보다 유지하는 데 필요한 함정지만 말이 지요. 일단 블로그가이 수준에 도달하면 거의 어디에 독자들이 성장과 단어를 확산하여 격려 그렇게하도록하지 않고 계속 자기 유지 시점에 도달했습니다. 내용은 여전히 필요하지만 그 이전의 성장 단계에 거의 중요하지 않습니다. 
이 단계에서 이미 상당한 소득 가능성이있습니다. 아마 직업 소득 잠재력을 바꿉니다. 대부분의 블로그는이 수준에 도달하지 않습니다. 사실, 아마 블로그의 작은 비율이고. 
팁 단계를 따야 
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Good Site : American Residential Law Group

Few Months ago, I got the bad news like bellow, this push me in the dark tunnel. But some specialist in financial market reported that the recession met the bottom line. Until economic prosperity, we just wait for and keep the good credit levels.

Chrysler Deadline Nears as GM Looks to Downsize 

After General Motors announced plans to cut another 21,000 jobs and Chrysler reached a deal with United Auto Workers that may help the automaker avoid bankruptcy, a New York Times reporter provides an update on Detroit automakers' latest efforts to stay afloat. 

Source from PBS org

According to the deep recession of economic crisis in the world, Many people's credit is going bad. Someone lost his job, someone could not redeem his loan.When someone has the bad credit level, it is difficult to get back.
So the best way to avoid this situation, we must spend money within the budget or income range. And also we have to reduce our expenses. 

But if we were in the worst case, Most of banks are not able to loan you even we have stable incomes. In this case, The first priority we do is to erase bad credit.

If we are not accustomed to this, we can contact with the financial specialists who are free-lancers or belong to the credit repair company. They will provide us with credit report to show our credit status, or what to improve our credit level by using the legal credit repair process.

Be cautious!
Sometimes they are impostors or illegal companies So it is desirable for us to contact the person or company has good reputation in financial fields.

Here I show you the great tip for solve above problem.

American Residential Law Group

The American Residential Law Group is a highly regarded law firm providing client-focused, interdisciplinary services that result in high-value legal counsel for our clients. Oscar Estevez, founder and lead attorney at the American Residential Law Group, has been advocating for everyday Americans for over 12 years in practice areas that encompass the full range of consumer legal services. Our attorneys are recognized in the industry as being insightful and innovative leaders in their respective areas of practice.


As a law firm that realizes the direct impact we can have on the quality of life of each and every one of our clients, we are absolutely committed to go above and beyond for them and are determined to resolve the urgent legal matters they face. We execute this promise with excellence and integrity and by setting an exceptionally high standard of service and quality for each member of our team. Every member of the American Residential Law Group family, is asked to take a Pledge of Excellence where they resolve to uphold and abide by following American Residential Law Group core company values: Honesty, Respect, Timeliness, Diligence, Integrity, Empathy and Compassion.

Commitment and Ethics

From Legal Assistants to Veteran Attorneys, every staff member at the American Residential Law Group prides themselves on their unwavering commitment to serve clients well, being responsive, and conducting business and legal matters in accordance to the standards and code of ethics set forth by the Florida State Bar.

Customer Relationships

At the American Residential Law Group we strive to be a partner for each client throughout the course of their legal matter, answering any of their questions, doubts or concerns, so that they have a comfortable and comprehensive understanding of the entire process. Functioning as a symbiotic team, the American Residential Law Group harnesses the combined experienced possessed by attorneys and staff to provide valuable direction and advice for clients.


Our firm is dedicated to cultivating an environment that embraces diversity reflective of our clients and our communities. Our commitment to building teams that mirror the rich cultural backgrounds of the communities in which we practice, is another way in which we truly add value and real-world understanding to our client relationships.


The American Residential Law Group is also committed to being engaged in the communities in which we live and work. Whether providing pro-bono legal services or volunteering at local charities, we encourage our attorneys to devote time, energy, and insights to the communities that we call home through active community involvement.

American Residential Law Group is truly dedicated to the interests of our clients, our people, and our communities. We strive to address their needs and meet their expectations efficiently and effectively — with our core values always at heart: Honesty, Respect, Timeliness, Diligence, Integrity, Empathy and Compassion

Practice Areas

American Residential Law Group specializes in foreclosure prevention, foreclosure litigation, and overall consumer rights. We feel that every American should have access to quality legal representation at an affordable price. Debt reduction can be a complicated process. We are here to guide you through to ensure you financial future will be a success.

  • Bankruptcy
  • Foreclosure
  • Loan Modification
  • Debt Settlement
  • Mortgage Litigation
  • Short Sale
  • Forensic Loan Audit
The website will provide up to date industry news, insight from leading   Loan Modification Attorney  Joel Jacobi and consumer tips.

'블로그 누리는 세상' 카테고리의 다른 글

Radiant Floor Insulation  (0) 2010.01.25
Advertik's Time Ads System  (0) 2010.01.20
Good Software for Budgeting, Forecasting and Planning - "PlanGuru"  (0) 2010.01.10
블로그 성장 4단계  (6) 2010.01.07
Steroids Information  (0) 2009.12.18
7 Steps for Essay Writing  (0) 2009.12.18
EconomyWatch Site  (0) 2009.12.18
Website Traffic  (0) 2009.12.17
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Steroids Information
Recently, steroids Abuse is serious issue. 
But When you get to know about Steroids functions and usage method, Steroids will help you.
Here is good Site for Steroids.

Welcome To Our Anabolic steroids Mega Site - SteroidSources.com

We are always on top of the latest news regarding steroids . Whether it`s steroids in sports like baseball, football, bodybuilding, boxing, or the olympics-we cover it! Our news blog is updated daily with fresh content that involves steroid use around the world. Be sure to check out our forum and sign up for free to discuss a variety of topics about performance enhancing drugs like dianabol, anadrol, deca-durabolin, winstrol-v, and sustanon. 

Our website provides information about anabolic steroids strictly for educational reasons only. If you are interested in learning about the latest headlines involving the use of steroids and HGH (human growth hormone) , than you have come to the right place. It`s important to always consult your physician before taking any drugs and that includes legal steroids. Please understand and make clear that SteroidSources.com does not approve or condone illegal use of anabolic steroids without a doctors prescription. Be sure to understand the laws in the country you reside. SteroidSources.com will not be responsible for anyone who has misused an anabolic steroid, or other drugs described on this website. Must be 18 years old to visit and view the contents of Steroidsources.com

Brief History of Steroids: A Timeline

With so many issues on steroids, does anybody wonder why steroids become so popular? How does steroids came into existence? Is it thru an in-depth research or just by mere discovery? From the different sources on the internet as well as other publications and journals, steroids were so popular because of its effects and the issues that always come with it. Whether we treat steroids as a harmful drug or a pill that gives many benefits to its users, a better understanding is a must.

This will serve as a guide in understanding of what these steroids can do or will do to its users. The purpose of creating these steroids and its beginnings will probably change our perception to this drug.

Here's a timeline of the discovery and development of steroids. The issues and people who contributed to the advancement of steroids are also presented:

1849 - A scientist named Berthold conducted an experiment on cockerels by removing their testicles. The bird lost several of its male characteristics including sexual functions. It was in this experiment that they found out that testicles had a systemic effect on the entire organism. It has an effect on the blood of the animals experimented.

1929 - Another experiment was conducted to produce an extract of potent activity from bull's testicles.

1935 - A more purified form of the extract from bull’s testicles was created.

1936 - Scientist Ruzicka synthesized the compound, the testosterone from cholesterol. Two other scientists also conducted the same experiment, Butenandt and Hanisch.

- the first testosterone was created and used in an experiment demonstrating that nitrogen excretion of the castrated dog could be increased by giving the dog supplemental testosterone thus increased its body weight.

- the Nazi's were also rumored that they have given their soldiers anabolic steroids

- in this period testosterone was already considered as a potent anabolic substance in humans. This was proven by further experiments that were carried out in men.

1948 - 1954 - Searle and Ciba, both pharmaceutical companies had experimented with the synthesizing of more than a thousand different testosterone derivatives and similar analogues.

1954 - This is the time where the use of steroids in sports began. The Soviets team was reported to have used steroids in the World Weightlifting Championships in Vienna, Austria. They dominated the competition and break several world records. They bought home several gold medals in different weight classes. It was John Zeigler, a physician who said to have a talk to the Soviets team doctor. And from that conversation he said that Soviets team used steroids.

1955 - John Zeigler began administering straight testosterone to his weightlifters. Ciba also attempted to synthesize a substance with strength enhancing effects comparable or better than testosterone's.

1956 - Methandrostenolone was created. "Dianobol" as a brand name came into existence.

1957 - 1959 - Many weightlifter's training program includes the use of "Dianobol".

1960 - The effects of the Dianobol in John Zeigler's weightlifters were very dominant. Another anabolic steroid had been developed and used to treat short stature in children with Turner Disease syndrome.

- at this period, many scientists and doctors began to conduct numerous studies on the effects of steroids to athletes. According to some studies it was noted that steroids did not clearly showed or offered any athletic benefit to the athletes. One of the issues was the doses given to the athletes as considered as very low doses which can't produce any effect at all.
1967- the International Olympic Council banned the use of anabolic steroids.

1970 -  most major sporting organizations had also banned steroids. 
1972 - the International Olympic Council began a full scale drug-testing program.

1982 - the International Olympic Council had developed a test for the detection of excess levels of testosterone in athletes, known as the "Testosterone: Epitestosterone test"

1988 - classification of steroids were only prescription drugs.

1989 - when information was leaked to the media about a government sponsored program of systematic anabolic steroid administration to its athletes and its concealment to the sports organization.

1990 - the Germans had finally gotten caught, and the ensuing scandal was one which helped give anabolic steroids the bad reputation they have had ever since.

- anabolic steroids had started to be used by the medical community to improve survival rates of AIDS and Cancer patients.

- the United States Congress added steroids to the Controlled Substances Act as an amendment known as the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990

2000 - survey among 12 graders were reported that 2.5% used steroids at least once in their lives.

2004 to present - there was an increase in the usage among young people. The statistics shows 3.4%

- anabolic steroids were continuously used by most weightlifters and bodybuilders

-the legitimate use of anabolic steroids for a variety of medical problems such as Andropause or Menopause, speeding recovery of burn victims, improve the quality of life in AIDS patients, fight breast cancer and control osteoporosis to name a few.

- the use of steroids in other sports such as baseball and athletics continue to rise. Famous athletes were charged of using illegal steroids such as Barry Bonds, a baseball player. Another olympian athlete, Marion Jones was also charged with similar offense.

Steroids continue to create history. It is not yet the end for this product. More and more researches are being done to enhance the composition of steroids. More companies are also producing brands that can pass the strict regulation of the government. We can say that steroids are safer now than before. People who are using it are now well informed and educated on the proper use of steroids thus maximizing the benefits that the user gets.

'블로그 누리는 세상' 카테고리의 다른 글

Advertik's Time Ads System  (0) 2010.01.20
Good Software for Budgeting, Forecasting and Planning - "PlanGuru"  (0) 2010.01.10
블로그 성장 4단계  (6) 2010.01.07
Good Site : American Residential Law Group  (0) 2009.12.23
7 Steps for Essay Writing  (0) 2009.12.18
EconomyWatch Site  (0) 2009.12.18
Website Traffic  (0) 2009.12.17
Tour Guide to Traveling Abroad  (0) 2009.12.16
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7 Steps for Essay Writing
As second language, English writing is not easy in my case.
Especially Business Report or term papers  in school, it's so hard to do.
Here is tips on English Writing.

7 Steps for Essay Writing

English essays approach story telling differently than Korean-language essays. Generally, Westerners tell the main points of each story directly in the beginning, coming to a conclusion through deductive reasoning. Koreans tend to save the main points for last, which are found through inductive reasoning. The key to writing a good essay is interest, organization and clarity.

(1) Pick a topic

(2) Draft an outline of the subject's main ideas

(3) First write the introduction

(4) Write the body with each paragraph focusing on one idea

(5) Work on a strong conclusion

(6) Revise and double-check that sentences reflect your initial ideas

(7) Edit and Proofread. Check for grammatical and typographical errors

Tips for News Writing

English Newspapers in Education can help teachers and students hone their rational and analytical skills. Journalistic writing is very concise and normally uses the inverted pyramid to structure stories in a top-down technique. In this format, the lead is often the first sentence or paragraph of an article, and should convey the main points of the story.

(1) Focus your lead: It should answer: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How

(2) Use the inverted pyramid to present the most important information at the top

(3) Use clear language, avoiding unnecessary words while maintaining comprehensibility

While Searching the internet, I found term papers . hi..hi. go and see finally use it when you are in deep problem.


'블로그 누리는 세상' 카테고리의 다른 글

Good Software for Budgeting, Forecasting and Planning - "PlanGuru"  (0) 2010.01.10
블로그 성장 4단계  (6) 2010.01.07
Good Site : American Residential Law Group  (0) 2009.12.23
Steroids Information  (0) 2009.12.18
EconomyWatch Site  (0) 2009.12.18
Website Traffic  (0) 2009.12.17
Tour Guide to Traveling Abroad  (0) 2009.12.16
Trade Show Displays  (0) 2009.12.13
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EconomyWatch Site

The world is connected with many countries. One Event which occurred from one country will give effect other countries. In this circumstance, Fast and Right information should be key factor to survive.

Bellow list is service category from just one internet site. With Various issues and categories, You can get news whichever you want.

World Economy 

North America, US,California, Canada,Mexico Asia,India, China, Japan, Australia,Pakistan,Korea,Malaysia,Singapore ,Vietnam ,Philippines ,Europe,UK,England ,Russia,France ,Ireland ,Italy ,Spain,Africa ,South Africa,Nigeria ,Middle East ,Iraq , Egypt, Dubai ,South America,Brazil

World Trade 

NAFTA, US Trade, Canada Trade, Mexico Trade, Asia Trade, India Trade, China Trade, Japan Trade, Australia Trade, Pakistan Trade, Korea Trade, Malaysia Trade, Singapore Trade, Vietnam Trade, Philippines Trade, Europe Trade, UK Trade, England Trade, Russia Trade, Germany Trade, France Trade, Ireland Trade, Italy Trade, Spain Trade , Africa Trade, South Africa Trade , Nigeria Trade , Iraq Trade , Egypt Trade , Dubai Trade , Brazil Trade 

World Industry

World Organizations ,Foreign Direct Investment,

insurance ,Finance ,Banking ,more...

Major Companies,Best Brands(2007) ,Forbes Companies ,Fortune 500 Companies ,Insurance Companies ,S & P 500 Companies ,more...

Investing, Investment, Stock Exchanges,World Stock Markets,Exchange Rate,Currency 

Personal Finance ,Financial Management


'블로그 누리는 세상' 카테고리의 다른 글

블로그 성장 4단계  (6) 2010.01.07
Good Site : American Residential Law Group  (0) 2009.12.23
Steroids Information  (0) 2009.12.18
7 Steps for Essay Writing  (0) 2009.12.18
Website Traffic  (0) 2009.12.17
Tour Guide to Traveling Abroad  (0) 2009.12.16
Trade Show Displays  (0) 2009.12.13
My Favorite Myrtle Beach Golf Course  (0) 2009.12.10
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Website Traffic
Especially Small and Medium-Sized Business Companies have the difficulty to run their business in the internet world. They don't have enough skilled person and money. 
If they can deal with this internet, they will be make the big money. But We can not see companies(Small and Medium-sized company) much more who reached their goal.
But there is way to solve this situation. Small and Mdeium-Sized Company can use the outsourcing instead of hiring skilled person. When Small and Medium-Sized Company are surveying the specialized company in online system, So many Online experts will be found. These experts have the long time experience, knowledge in online marketing(ex, Website Traffic). They will provide processes and solutions that are easy to use and affordable for small businesses.
I will show you one company for buy website traffic.
FullTraffic was created just 4 years ago when founder Federico Einhorn realized that building websites wasn't enough to earn a steady income. With his On-Line Library, TodoLibros Inc., came the problem of driving traffic and visitors to generate sales. 2 years later he created a totally new system to deliver visitors to his own website, which has evolved to the most reliable, efficient, and professional system called FullTraffic.

Over the past 4 years, Federico Einhorn supported by the FullTraffic Team of programmers, search engine specialists, and designers, have turned FullTraffic into a leading international company of traffic suppliers and search engine services providers for small to medium sized businesses.

The comprehensive range of services offered includes:

Global Traffic Packages;
Global Traffic Packages;
Country Targeted Packages;
Category Targeted Packages;
Gambling Targeted Packages;
Search Engine Submission;
Search Engine Advertising (QUICK PPC);
and Search Engine Optimization.

This traffic is global, unfiltered, and untargeted. The source of this traffic can include any number or combination of the following at any given time, these sources can also change at any given time: pop-unders, pop-ups, redirected domains, traffic exchanges, links, etc. Be warned that this type of traffic is almost NEVER delivered in the form of full page. Be also warned that these visitors ARE NOT IP Unique, which means that the same person may load the same page SEVERAL TIMES and each of those times will be counted as a "VISITOR" by FullTraffic. We do not use any methods of spam such as unsolicited email or any other kind of spam to generate traffic.

The Following are NOT allowed: Pop Ups, Pop Unders, Pop Behinds, Exit Pops (Any additional window generated by your site shall be considered a popup window, including dialog boxes, and JavaScript alert windows), adult content, hate text, illegal content or content that encourages illegal activities or violence, frame-breaking code, background music or sound, automatic downloads or scripts that alter user browser settings (auto homepage, bookmarks, etc.), advertising servers, ad rotators, or redirects of any kind.

This Traffic is Targeted to the specific Country Requested and it is delivered in the
 form of
High Quality Popunders and "Pop-Ins" (embedded windows to the publisher website). The visitors are 95% IP UNIQUE and most campaigns will complete within 10-20 days. Delivery rate may reach 50,000 daily visitors. Use drop-down menu to choose among 73 countries! Pops or Exit windows of any kind, Java alerts, or automatic downloads are NOT allowed. Adult sites are NOT allowed.

Traffic is Global Worldwide, 95% IP UNIQUE, Targeted by Category and delivered in the form of High Quality Popunders and "Pop-Ins" (embedded windows to the publisher website). Categories include: Beauty, Business, Credit Cards, Debt Consolidation, Diet, Entertainment, Family, Finance, Free Stuff, Games, Health, Shopping, Software, Sports, Travel, Webmasters and much more!. Pops or Exit windows of any kind, Java alerts, adult content, or automatic downloads are NOT allowed.

Visitors for gambling/casino related
 websites. You may select Asian, European, US or
Worldwide visitors. Your website will be shown as a Full Page popunder or "pop-in" (embedded windows to the publisher website). Traffic is 95% IP UNIQUE and comes with a 30 days target! Pops or Exit windows of any kind, Java alerts, pornographic content, or automatic downloads are NOT allowed.

'블로그 누리는 세상' 카테고리의 다른 글

Good Site : American Residential Law Group  (0) 2009.12.23
Steroids Information  (0) 2009.12.18
7 Steps for Essay Writing  (0) 2009.12.18
EconomyWatch Site  (0) 2009.12.18
Tour Guide to Traveling Abroad  (0) 2009.12.16
Trade Show Displays  (0) 2009.12.13
My Favorite Myrtle Beach Golf Course  (0) 2009.12.10
Online Marketing Expert - "OrangeSoda"  (0) 2009.12.07
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