EcoFoil FAQ's - Radiant Barrier & Reflective Foil Insulation
What is a Radiant Barrier?
Radiant Barrier(
radiant barrier)
is a layer of Reflective Foil Insulation that is placed in an air space to block Radiant Heat Transfer between a heat radiating surface and a heat absorbing surface.
How can a Reflective Foil Radiant Barrier benefit me?
During hot summer months a Radiant Barrier can block up to 97% of the suns radiant heat from being transferred into your structure.
During the winter Radiant Barrier keeps heat from escaping your home or business by reflecting 97% of the radiant heat back in, in turn requiring less work by your furnace.
Reflective Radiant Barrier saves energy and money all year around!
What is the R-Value of EcoFoil?
R-Value refers to the “Resistance” of heat flow through an object so we cannot accurately use this method to compare EcoFoil Reflective Insulation and conventional insulation such as fiberglass and cellulose. This is because Reflective Insulation completely reflects/blocks heat flow, it doesn’t absorb or resist it, thus giving Reflective Radiant Barrier Systems superior performance.
How well does EcoFoil work compared to fiberglass insulation?
EcoFoil will stop or reflect 97% of Radiant Heat Energy. Radiant Heat is often overlooked and misunderstood because R-Values do not take it into account. Radiant heat transfer is responsible for up to 75% of the total heat gain or loss in a structure. Traditional insulation products such as fiberglass, cellulose and foam board are effective in reducing CONVECTIVE and CONDUCTIVE heat transfer but are very ineffective against RADIANT heat transfer.
What is RADIANT heat?
Simply stated, it is heat energy that is radiating through an airspace. If a surface is hotter than an adjacent airspace it will emit that hot energy (in the form of heat rays) into the airspace. These heat rays are invisible but powerful. An easy way to understand how heat rays invade airspace is to consider that temperatures in a dark attic can reach 150º when th outside air is only 95º. This is because the sun is saturating the roof with radiant heat energy that radiates into the attic below.
Are foil radiant barriers the same as standard household aluminum foil?
Standard aluminum foil (i.e. Reynolds Wrap) is not the same as a reflective foil radiant barrier. Standard household aluminum foil is a very thin sheet of aluminum mixed with other alloys that will oxidize over time, and has virtually no tear-resistance. Radiant barrier foil has a multi-layer structure, and is reinforced with a woven scrim that provides outstanding tear and tensile strength. Radiant barrier foil also contains a much higher aluminum content for greater reflectivity, and is coated for durability and corrosion-resistance.
I already have fiberglass or blow in insulation in my attic. Do I need a Radiant Barrier?
Fiberglass and cellulose insulation work by slowing down heat transfer from one source to another. Thats why the thicknesses of those insulations are crucial for performance. Also, fiberglass and cellulose only resist heat transfer, they don't block or reflect it so it eventually escapes through. Our Perforated Radiant Barrier can be installed over top of existing attic insulation to form a reflective cover to enhance your other insulation.
Will heat build-up in the roof and damage my roofing shingles?
Studies have shown that houses with Radiant Barrier installed in the attic only increase peak temperatures of the roofing shingles between 2-5 degrees fahrenheight.
When to use a perforated radiant barrier:
When installing radiant barrier over the attic floor you must use the perforated radiant barrier for maximum breathability. Moist air that is created inside your home must be able to escape as it rises through your ceiling. If a perforated radiant barrier is not used, the moisture will be trapped in between the barrier and your cieling. When trapped this will cause condensation to form inside the building materials and insulation creating damage and mold.
When to use non-perforated (SOLID) radiant barrier:
If you are using a radiant barrier in wall cavities as a house wrap you should use a non-perforated (SOLID) radiant barrier if the following conditions exist:
- IF you live in high humidity / high hydrostatic pressure areas located between the southern tip of Texas and the Florida-Georgia border on the Atlantic Ocean AND you have a stucco structure,
- OR you are installing in sub grade locations in any area of the country (basements/underground rooms),
- OR you are installing a radiant barrier in a cathedral ceiling application between the insulation and the ceiling drywall.
My attic is already well ventilated. Do I still need a Radiant Barrier?
Radiant heat travels in the form of invisible waves through space until it is absorbed or reflected by a solid surface. Very little Radiant Heat is removed by the movement of air through your attic. Reflective Insulation provides the extra element of protection against Radiant Heat that ventilation cannot provide.
How does reflective foil insulate if it is so thin?
It's a common misconception that insulation must be thick to perform well. A thicker insulation will always have a higher R-value than a thinner insulation but R-value does not measure all heat transfer. It's highly possible for a thinner reflective material to provide better thermal performance than a thicker non-reflective product with a higher R-value.