2009. 12. 17. 20:10, 블로그 누리는 세상
Especially Small and Medium-Sized Business Companies have the difficulty to run their business in the internet world. They don't have enough skilled person and money.
If they can deal with this internet, they will be make the big money. But We can not see companies(Small and Medium-sized company) much more who reached their goal.
But there is way to solve this situation. Small and Mdeium-Sized Company can use the outsourcing instead of hiring skilled person. When Small and Medium-Sized Company are surveying the specialized company in online system, So many Online experts will be found. These experts have the long time experience, knowledge in online marketing(ex, Website Traffic). They will provide processes and solutions that are easy to use and affordable for small businesses.
I will show you one company for buy website traffic.
FullTraffic was created just 4 years ago when founder Federico Einhorn realized that building websites wasn't enough to earn a steady income. With his On-Line Library, TodoLibros Inc., came the problem of driving traffic and visitors to generate sales. 2 years later he created a totally new system to deliver visitors to his own website, which has evolved to the most reliable, efficient, and professional system called FullTraffic.
Over the past 4 years, Federico Einhorn supported by the FullTraffic Team of programmers, search engine specialists, and designers, have turned FullTraffic into a leading international company of traffic suppliers and search engine services providers for small to medium sized businesses.
The comprehensive range of services offered includes:
Global Traffic Packages;
Global Traffic Packages;
Country Targeted Packages;
Category Targeted Packages;
Gambling Targeted Packages;
Search Engine Submission;
Search Engine Advertising (QUICK PPC);
and Search Engine Optimization.
The Following are NOT allowed: Pop Ups, Pop Unders, Pop Behinds, Exit Pops (Any additional window generated by your site shall be considered a popup window, including dialog boxes, and JavaScript alert windows), adult content, hate text, illegal content or content that encourages illegal activities or violence, frame-breaking code, background music or sound, automatic downloads or scripts that alter user browser settings (auto homepage, bookmarks, etc.), advertising servers, ad rotators, or redirects of any kind.
This Traffic is Targeted to the specific Country Requested and it is delivered in the
form of
High Quality Popunders and "Pop-Ins" (embedded windows to the publisher website). The visitors are 95% IP UNIQUE and most campaigns will complete within 10-20 days. Delivery rate may reach 50,000 daily visitors. Use drop-down menu to choose among 73 countries! Pops or Exit windows of any kind, Java alerts, or automatic downloads are NOT allowed. Adult sites are NOT allowed.
High Quality Popunders and "Pop-Ins" (embedded windows to the publisher website). The visitors are 95% IP UNIQUE and most campaigns will complete within 10-20 days. Delivery rate may reach 50,000 daily visitors. Use drop-down menu to choose among 73 countries! Pops or Exit windows of any kind, Java alerts, or automatic downloads are NOT allowed. Adult sites are NOT allowed.
Visitors for gambling/casino related
websites. You may select Asian, European, US or
Worldwide visitors. Your website will be shown as a Full Page popunder or "pop-in" (embedded windows to the publisher website). Traffic is 95% IP UNIQUE and comes with a 30 days target! Pops or Exit windows of any kind, Java alerts, pornographic content, or automatic downloads are NOT allowed.
Worldwide visitors. Your website will be shown as a Full Page popunder or "pop-in" (embedded windows to the publisher website). Traffic is 95% IP UNIQUE and comes with a 30 days target! Pops or Exit windows of any kind, Java alerts, pornographic content, or automatic downloads are NOT allowed.
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