Ford surfboards (1)
Good and New Business Model - Surfboardsetc.Com
I will show you Good and New business model internet site. 

Here is the

Look at the Etc from site name!.
This site focus on the surf-related merchandise such as fins, traction pads, leashes, bags, racks, and more.



Surfboards Etc has a huge selection of surfboard gear, accessories and apparel in stock and ready to ship with fast, often free, shipping. In addition we promote surfboards from some of the best surfboard shapers on the planet like Barker Surfboards, Bessell Surfboards, Bruno Surfboards, Ford Surfboards, Hamish Graham Surfboards, Hanley Surfboards, Proctor Surfboards, Senate Surfboards, Sunshine Surfboards and more. Due to the complexities of surfboard selection, we encourage you to buy directly from the shaper. Just come back here to buy your other gear.

When you are interested in Surfing, the first thing appeared in your head will be surfboard. Actually there are many world-famous makers of surfboard. In other words, this market is the Red Ocean. Red Oceans are all the industries in existence today—the known market space. In the red oceans, industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and the competitive rules of the game are known. Here companies try to outperform their rivals to grab a greater share of product or service demand. As the market space gets crowded, prospects for profits and growth are reduced. Products become commodities or niche, and cutthroat competition turns the ocean bloody.

So supply what he do well, more over very detailed.

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