Gantt Chart (1)
PDA 무료 프로그램 - GanttScheduler v2.00
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GanttScheduler v2.00
• Summary: View Task and Appointment together. Can long-span time management yourself easily. Both of GanttChart style view and Calendar style view available.

• Found under: Productivity, Organize, calendar, pim, task, organize
• Requirements:
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6

• Arrived: Dec 25, 2009
• Downloaded 9,870 times

View Task and Appointment together. Can long-span time management yourself easily.It use pim(POOM) data. Can use another pim software together. You can operate with button or touch-pen. So you can operate with one hand. So you can use another pim software together. Certainly,you can display Task and Appointment on TODAY View. It view with no month break. You can view one or more week after Appointment at near end of month. If you change display direction (length and breadth), view change properly. You can operate with button or touch-pen. So you can operate with one hand. [function] With Tap and Drag , you can add new Task and Appointment, move day and time of Task and Appointment, stretch Appointment time span. (for miss Tap,need keep Tap one second. If you tap 15min area from edge of Appointment, start stretch mode) If there isn't stylus pen, you can operate Task and Appoint from main menu. If you have frequently Appointment Title or Place, please register them. ex) meeting, room A, room B It make easy to add new Task and Appointment. You can register Rest-day Category, All day and belong Rest-day Category treat as Holiday. It's available for paid holiday. Also you can register Memorial Category like as Rest-day Category. It's available for Birthday and wedding-day. The day draw special color which set up. You can move a day which display detail with cursor key. Exception of Recursion Appointment available. ex) This meeting hold every Wednesday , but next week will hold Tuesday. And Can cancel exception Appointment (maybe ordinary software don't have this function). ex) After next week meeting changed to Tuesday, re-change to ordinary. You can register show / hide Category. You can register color of rest day, holiday, memorial day and week of day. it work on QVGA screen size. and this sofuware has many other functions. Please download and read manual(is install folder). Sorry, Previous exe file is Japanese Version. (23 July, 2009)

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